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ISGS Seeks New Education Committee Chairman to Start Immediately

The Illinois State Genealogical Society is looking for a new Education Committee chairman to start ASAP. The ideal person should have a passion for helping genealogists and family historians learn new things to make their research journey more exciting and successful.

While the committee does a variety of things, the immediate concern is taking over the webinar program for the remaining 2014 schedule and working to build the 2015 schedule. Managing the webinars requires about two hours per month (this includes the one hour for hosting the actual webinar).

We would also like to see the committee grow. In addition to the webinars, this committee either writes or solicits articles of an educational nature for the ISGS blog. There are other projects the committee would like to implement down the road including educational presentations/videos focusing on various Illinois research facilities. We have a list of ideas that perhaps a new chair and their committee members would like to take and run with to grow this portion of ISGS.

If you are interested in serving as chair, or on the committee in general, please contact current chair, Julie Tarr at

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